Bridgend Mentoring Plus Scheme
The Bridge Mentoring Plus Scheme was established in February 2002 by a group of three passionate and dedicated people whose soul aim was to provide help and support to young people aged between 8 and 18 years old who have experienced problems and difficulties in their lives. Over 20 years into our journey and we’ve trained and continue to train a countless number of volunteers within the community who have then gone on to receive training as mentors in order to provide continuing 1-2-1 support for these young people.
Since then, The Bridge MPS has expanded its services significantly in response to the growing needs that our community faces, and as such, we now provide a much broader range of services.
This year we adopted the slogan ‘together, we can’ and it’s with this notion of togetherness and building ever stronger links that we strive to serve our community in the very best way we can.
The team here at The Bridge are dedicated to helping and supporting the community of Bridgend County Borough. We provide a number of services and opportunities which are open to all members of the public, including training, mentoring and volunteering.