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Carers Respite Programme

Support for Carers


Halo’s Carers Respite Programme provides unpaid carers with the opportunity to participate in exercise, relaxation and wellbeing sessions, with access to Halo Leisure's toning suite.


Holistic therapy workshops focusing on stress-relief techniques are provided by the award winning Eleventh House therapies.


Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board Dieticians help with all aspects of nutrition information and advice around diet and healthy lifestyles.


We can support the arrangement of free replacement care when you are taking part in any of the activities.


This FREE care is provided by the Carers Trust South East Wales (SEW) Carers. They also provide information on carers rights, entitlements and what support systems are available in the local authority area.


What’s the Cost?


Thanks to the support from the Bridgend County Borough Council Carers Respite grant, this pilot programme is FREE of charge. However, places are limited.


For more information on the programme or to get involved, please contact Jess on: or 07812496038


Places are limited, so please don’t delay!

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© 2022 Llwybr Iechyd Meddwl Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr gan Sarah Murphy AS. Bridgend Mental Health Pathway by Sarah Murphy MS.

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